welcome to www.mathsclubs.com aka ineteconomics blog-

i would like to co-blog on what only maths can do

for example only

5 maths designs what futures next generations of a place are locked into -at least that was my fathers lifetime work

4 what apps and open ecosystems are coded

3 whether any (alumni of a) world class system designer/ facilitator integrates whole truth transparently for all or excludes some either all the time or exponentially over time

2 whether architecture or engineering or science is safe and humanly conscious -prove that if a scientist says everything is now known in his silo then he's either not modeling micro enough or not connecting other disciplines - einetein and von neumann

1 explore recursively where human calculations can do creation that computers never can (turing)

0 verify what minimum golden rules unite all sustainable faiths (or cultural heroes) in joy of next generation aligned with natures evolutionary rules

00 clarify where lawyers and other professionals/politicians are causing terror and fear and greed and separation by claiming a monopoly over judgement that is less and less true to future possibilities caused by an era's greatest changes

at least i think i am right in saying so- but would be happy to learn where i am overclaiming for maths

chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk dc text 240 316 8157

Friday, January 10, 2014

can you help us survey job creating economics - http://youthcreativelab.bloogspot.com  -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

eg 1 which economics moocs - at coursera, edx, khanacademy ... will let student discussion groups segment those aspects of the theory that systemise job creation?

eg 2 which country's schooling systems make job-creating entrepreneurship as central to a child's education as any other subject?